101 research outputs found

    Solar wind fluctuations: waves and turbulence

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    We present a brief review of observations and theory regarding the nature and radial evolution of MHDā€scale solar wind fluctuations. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the fluctuations consist of both waves and turbulence, and on their dual dynamical roles

    Energy dynamics in linear MHD with ion parallel viscosity

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    Analytic results for the time dependences of the kinetic and magnetic energies of an incompressible magneto fluid threaded by a strong uniform magnetic field Bā‚€ are obtained. The governing equations are the linearised magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ones, but with the conventional Laplacian dissipation replaced by ion parallel viscous effects. The behaviour is shown to depend on the relative sizes of the AlfvĆ©n frequency and the viscous and resistive dissipation rates. For many cases equipartition of the kinetic and magnetic energy holds at the (Fourier) modal level. An important exception to this behaviour occurs for two-dimensional fluctuations, that is when the wavevectors are perpendicular to Bā‚€

    Kinetic helicity and MHD turbulence

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    The issue of dynamical anisotropy in helical three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with a mean magnetic field Bā‚€ is investigated. Using high-resolution direct numerical simulations, we follow the evolution of various isotropic initial states characterized by their different values of the kinetic helicity. The cross helicity and magnetic helicity of the initial conditions are also varied. In agreement with earlier work, we find that such initial states become anisotropic in of order an eddy-turnover time, with correlation lengths parallel to Bā‚€ remaining largely unchanged while finer scales are excited in the perpendicular directions. Moreover, it is found that the development of both the anisotropy and the energy are essentially independent of the initial level of kinetic helicity. The physics associated with this latter feature is discussed

    Nonlocality and the critical Reynolds numbers of the minimum state magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems can be strongly nonlinear (turbulent) when their kinetic and magnetic Reynolds numbers are high, as is the case in many astrophysical and space plasma flows. Unfortunately these high Reynolds numbers are typically much greater than those currently attainable in numerical simulations of MHD turbulence. A natural question to ask is how can researchers be sure that their simulations have reproduced all of the most influential physics of the flows and magnetic fields? In this paper, a metric is defined to indicate whether the necessary physics of interest has been captured. It is found that current computing resources will typically not be sufficient to achieve this minimum state metric

    Parallel and perpendicular cascades in solar wind turbulence

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    MHD-scale fluctuations in the velocity, magnetic, and density fields of the solar wind are routinely observed. The evolution of these fluctuations, as they are transported radially outwards by the solar wind, is believed to involve both wave and turbulence processes. The presence of an average magnetic field has important implications for the anisotropy of the fluctuations and the nature of the turbulent wavenumber cascades in the directions parallel and perpendicular to this field. In particular, if the ratio of the rms magnetic fluctuation strength to the mean field is small, then the parallel wavenumber cascade is expected to be weak and there are difficulties in obtaining a cascade in frequency. The latter has been invoked in order to explain the heating of solar wind fluctuations (above adiabatic levels) via energy transfer to scales where ion-cyclotron damping can occur. Following a brief review of classical hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) cascade theories, we discuss the distinct nature of parallel and perpendicular cascades and their roles in the evolution of solar wind fluctuations

    Properties of mass-loading shocks: 1. Hydrodynamic considerations

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    The one-dimensional hydrodynamics of flows subjected to mass loading are considered anew, with particular emphasis placed on determining the properties of mass-loading shocks. This work has been motivated by recent observations of the outbound Halley bow shock (Neubauer et al., 1990), which cannot be understood in terms of simple hydrodynamical or magnetohydrodynamical descriptions. By including mass injection at the shock, we have investigated the properties of the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions on the basis of a geometric formulation of the entropy condition. Such a condition, which is more powerful than the usual thermodynamical formulation, serves to determine those solutions to the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions which correspond to a physically realizable downstream state. On this basis a concise theoretical description of hydrodynamic mass-loading shocks is obtained. We show that mass-loading shocks have more in common with combustion shocks than with ordinary nonreacting gas dynamical shocks. It is shown that for decelerated solutions to the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions to exist, the upstream flow speed u0 must satisfy u0 > ucrit > cs, where cs is the sound speed. Besides the usual supersonic-subsonic transition, mass-loading fronts can also admit a decelerating supersonic-supersonic transition, the structure of which consists of a sharp decrease in the flow velocity preceding a recovery and an increase in the final downstream flow speed. We suggest the possibility that such structures may describe the inbound Halley bow shock (Coates et al., 1987a). Both parallel and oblique shocks are considered, the primary difference being that oblique shocks are subjected to a shearing stress due to mass loading. It is conjectured that such a shearing may destabilize the shock

    Ion parallel viscosity and anisotropy in MHD turbulence

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    We report on results from direct numerical simulation of the incompressible three- dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, modified to incorporate viscous dissipation via the strongly anisotropic ion-parallel viscosity term. Both linear and nonlinear cases are considered, all with a strong background magnetic field. It is found that spectral anisotropy develops in almost all cases, but that the contribution from effects associated with the ion-parallel viscosity is relatively weak compared with the previously reported nonlinear process. Furthermore, and in contrast to this earlier work, it is suggested that when Bā‚€ is large, the anisotropy will develop and persist for many large-scale turnover times even for non-dissipative runs. Resistive dissipation is found to dominate over viscous even when the resistivity is several orders of magnitude smaller than the ion parallel viscosity. A variance anisotropy effect and anisotropy dependence on the polarization of the fluctuations are also observed

    Non linear evolution of AlfvƩn wave in the solar atmosphere

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    We investigate the non-linear evolution of AlfvĆ©n waves in the solar atmosphere and wind, from the photosphere out to the Earthā€™s orbit. Photosphere and chromosphere are modeled as isothermal layers in static equilibrium, connecting across the transition region with a corona and wind. Nonlinear coupling between waves propagating in opposite directions is modeled by a phenomenological term containing an integral turbulent length scale. Spectrum modifications remain similar to what is found in a linear analysis and some characteristic features - i.e. oscillations at higher frequencies- persist despite nonlinear interactions

    Propagation and dissipation of AlfvƩn waves in stellar atmospheres permeated by isothermal winds

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    We investigate the nonlinear evolution of AlfvƩn waves in a radially stratified isothermal atmosphere with wind, from the atmospheric base out to the AlfvƩnic point. Nonlinear interactions, triggered by wave reflection due to the atmospheric gradients, are assumed to occur mainly in directions perpendicular to the mean radial magnetic field. The nonlinear coupling between waves propagating in opposite directions is modeled by a phenomenological term, containing an integral turbulent length scale, which acts as a dissipative coefficient for waves of a given frequency. Although the wind acceleration profile is not determined self-consistently one may estimate the dissipation rate inside the layer and follow the evolution of an initial frequency spectrum. Reflection of low frequency waves drives dissipation across the whole spectrum, and steeper gradients, i.e. lower coronal temperatures, enhance the dissipation rate. Moreover, when reasonable wave amplitudes are considered, waves of all frequencies damp at the same rate and the spectrum is not modified substantially during propagation. Therefore the sub-AlfvƩnic coronal layer acts differently when waves interact nonlinearly, no longer behaving as a frequency dependent filter once reflection-generated nonlinear interactions are included, at least within the classes of models discussed here

    Reduced magnetohydrodynamics and parallel spectral transfer

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    The self-consistency of the reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) model is explored by examining whether (parallel) spectral transfer might invalidate the assumptions employed in deriving it. Using direct numerical simulations we find that transfer of energy to structures with high parallel wavenumber is in fact limited by ongoing perpendicular transfer. Thus, the dynamics associated with RMHD models remains consistent with the underlying assumptions of RMHD. In particular, in well-resolved simulations it is neither necessary nor correct to introduce additional dissipation terms that (artificially) damp spectral transfer parallel to the mean magnetic field B0
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